Do you love art? Are you busy with all your engineering classes? Get excited for STEAM team! It's truly the best of both worlds. According to the STEAM team directors, Nikki Kershner and Audrey Myat, "We will be hosting events and projects that highlight the intersection between engineering and art!"
It's a new experimental team that JUST had their first event! I am definitely excited for future projects in the upcoming semester. If you have any cool ideas you should totally apply for STEAM team chair!
The past event involved using Arduino to make Spin Art and Mobile Art. SWEeties picked up their materials and then joined through Zoom at their respective time to experience the first ever STEAM art experience!

Below is the final products of some artsy SWEeties!
And here's a video of the process! Awesome job for the first ever event and hopefully next year with in-person events, we may be able to do a collaborative STEAM team piece!