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Writer's pictureBianca Pineros

Event Recap: Krishna Social!

Updated: Apr 12, 2021

A beautiful morning in Plaza of the Americas would not be complete without Krishna lunch with friends. E-board hosted a social where members could head out before class to grub and catch up after an eventful winter break.

It was refreshing to see so many faces again. I actually met a couple people in person for the very first time. We discussed our winter break activities and gave each other some brand new show recommendations! I even received some advice about some general education classes and what path I could take in the future. The greatest part was meeting a 5th year SWEetie in environmental sciences. Truly inspiring to look up to the veteran members because they've been in the same exact position as you and are living proof that they made it and nothing is impossible!

Couldn't make it to this social? Don't fret! SWE is implementing First Friday Krishna. The first Friday of every month meet at Plaza at 12pm for more SWEet fun! Guess what?? THIS FRIDAY, February 5th, there will be a Krishna lunch! I hope to see all your non-zoom faces!

Vote below so we can uncover which Krishna day is superior

Some pics!

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