Reva Vijayn
October 11, 2020
SWE kicked off October in the perfect way by throwing an exciting night of Halloween Trivia between Big Gators and their little gators on Kahoot. The night was full of laughs as SWE members learned more about random Halloween facts and discussed theories such as is if the movie "Nightmare on Elm Street" would be considered a Halloween or Christmas film? (by the way, members decided that it's a Halloween movie because of the "spooky vibes").
After answering multiple questions such as "Which skin problem do witches have?"-Ew!- eventually there was a winner: Congratulations go to Andrea Camacho-Betancourt, who ironically, was born on Halloween! SWE members finished off the night by playing a UF-themed Kahoot with Mentoring Chair Jaelle Coradin winning the game.
